Updates, new features and bugfixes.
View also the picostrap theme changelog
10 Feb, 2025- OpenRouter AI Integration: Allowing to use models such as Anthropic Claude, DeepSeek R1, Mistral Codestral 2501, LLama.
- Added filter hook: lc_modify_template_id
- Minor Fixes and tweaks
29 Jan, 2025- Text Editing Toolbar revamp: Upon editing text, the Classes palette is now always shown. It has been enriched to give access to all Bootstrap & NinjaBootstrap text-relevant utility classes. It basically allows deep text element styling via utility classes only, and makes you understand at a glimpse which classes are used.
- In this new toolbar, the "More..." button launches the Properties Panel on the individual element for ultimate power - browsing the full classes set, or adding your own custom classes
- Code editor: SVG auto-collapse
- Sections from Theme: sort section and section type cats alphabetically when browsing elements from child theme folders
- Added UI to post editing screen to force specific dynamic template
- Added UI to edit section categories
- Post locking: an emergency reset UI added to post editing screen
- [fix] Post locking: fix timestamp discrepancies in concurrent editing protection
- [fix] Better content sanitization for editable elements, especially when pasting from clipboard
- [fix] Removed an option that was breaking JS behaviors in image alignment for BS4
24 Dec, 2024- Fix Upon Exiting the editor, now previous URL is restored
- LC Forms API fix to allow JS actions in PHP callback
- Reversed content processing order regarding shortcodes and <tangible> options, and....
- Added shortcode lc_get_partial to allow reuse of fragments, also in tangible blocks
03 Dec, 2024- Update to latest Tangible Templating library
- Product Activation refactor to prevent some IP blocks
- Prevents the new WP image handling from potentially breaking images in some rare occasions
14 Nov, 2024- Read the V4 introduction article
20 May, 2024- Bugfix: restore WordPress integration settings in the LiveCanvas Sections Library
14 May, 2024- Shades Color Palette: color choice widgets now show color shades for each color variable (eg Primary, Secondary, etc)
- Minor Fixes
7 May, 2024- Tree View is now hidden when simplified mode option is enabled and page is being edited by an Editor
- Fixes for mod_pagespeed compatibility with the Editor
3 May, 2024- Tree View, allowing precise inspecting and editing of the document. Read blog post
- Minor Fixes
8 Apr, 2024- Update the “edit properties” panels to support Bootstrap 5.3 if available (declared by the Theme via lc_get_bootstrap_version)
- Sections library total refactoring to allow for different UI kits
- NinjaBootstrap UI kit integration
- Child themes can feed the Sections library via static html files organised in Folders
- Add lc_types taxonomy to sections.
- Added user bio section to dynamic single post template + enhanced lc_the_author shortcode to apply filters
- Forms API changes [Potentially breaking]: The form feedback element is now allowed in form parent too
- New Blocks: Simple Login and Registration form, in "WordPress Integration"
- Our get_posts tool / shortcode can now recall a theme partial php file as view: get_posts_theme_loop_view
- New Block to recall theme partials - enhanced shortcode: lc_get_template_part
- Enable custom fields on lc_partials, enabling handling of multiple headers/footers
- Add a date format attribute in the get_posts shortcode
- New Blocks: Generic Iframe, Button with Icon
- White-labeling minor fixes on link label for new LC page
- More granular icon size control
- Optionally allow for editor theme config files in the theme /child theme folder
8 Jan, 2024- Post locking: allow only one user at a time to edit pages / resources
- Context sensitive AutoComplete in Code Editor, for class attribute, CSS variables in style statements and editable attribute
- Bugfix: Upon saving, focused fields are blurred so last edit is taken into account if saving immediately, if no further modifications were done to the document
- Fix bug where the right template could be lost upon updating CPTS in the wp backend post editing screen
- Fixes and ehnacements to lc_nav_menu: Remove useless classes, add a new items_wrap_class parameter for more control
- Fix the JS loading issue on WP 6.4 with legacy picostrap themes
- Enhancement: to help targeting better via CSS, add body classes 'is-using-livecanvas', 'lc-custom-header', 'lc-custom-footer' if appropriate
- Added lc_the_order_by_widget for dynamic templating
- UnSplash is now pulling WEBP images
- Edit links (in pages listing, and single post edit screen) can now be whitelabeled
6 Oct, 2023- Feature: Related Posts
- New Simple / Media Object view for "lc_get_posts"
- Added field fot "lc_get_posts" to customize the no results message
- Bugfix: Shortcode Preview Rendering Post ID
- Added Header & Footer WPML compatibility filtering
- Add GET parameter from_url to determine editor exit
- Update BS icons to 1.11.1
- Bugfix: Animation Once & Mirror settings in Properties panel
- Bugfix: template setting could be lost upon updating CPTS in the WP backend post editing screen
- hosting compatibility New Page backend button
28 Jun, 2023- Brand New Properties Panel
- Bugfix: remove dynamic template wrapper: lc-dynamic-template-ID-xxx
- Enhancement: [Dynamic Templating] : allow formats for date and time shortcodes
- WP multisite compatibility improvements
- More minor bugfixes
20 Apr, 2023- Dynamic Templating for Post Loops
- Fix link editing content update. This bug could case a data corruption issue.
- Added shortcodes: lc_get_categories lc_get_terms lc_get_tags
- Rewritten shortcode: lc_the_excerpt. Breaking change: "link" parameter is now "read_more_link"
- Preview lc_function shortcode
- Update code Beautify libs to 1.14.7
- Added dynamic template starter templates for blog posts and front page
- In the lc_get_posts shortcode, if output view par is numeric, will call a dynamic template | excerpt read more text is now linked in post loop views
- Added shortcode: lc_function to call a 'templating' functions, useful eg for breadcrumbs nav xt integration
- isolate dynamic shortcode rendering for templates / ordinary pages.
4 Apr, 2023- Compatibility fix for PHP 7.3
4 Apr, 2023- WooCommerce Dynamic Templating support
- Add frontend adminbar link to edit dynamic templates
- Bootstrap Icons update to 1.10.0
- Added "Once" animation option
- Added lc_get_file shortcode & added embed rendering to lc_get_gt_block
- Allow readymade sections to contain section elements, preventing unnecessary nesting of sections upon inserting them on the page
- Addes a post display state column in pages in the list table to show better where LC is activated
- added parameter strip_label to shortcode lc_the_archive_title
- Forms API JS callback support
- fix lc_the_thumbnail_url shortcode
- added parent filtering feature for lc_the_terms / lc_the_categories / lc_the_tags shortcodes
- Shortcode enhancements: lc_the_terms, lc_the_pagination, lc_the_cf now show placeholder if empty value is returned, when editing dynamic templates
- Compatibility fixes: W3 Total Cache, WP Fastest Cache, WP Optimize
11 Nov, 2022- WordPress Dynamic Templating support
- Bugfixes & spring cleaning
30 Aug, 2022- Supports Color Opacity classes
- Polylang compatibility: allows translating of template partials (Header & Footer)
- Options to disable the built-in readymade blocks and sections in the editor
- get_posts shortcode now can use also slug to identify the elements
- Bugfix: on latest wp, button switch for lc appeared before post is saved
- Bugfix: activation on multisite: if it’s not main site, activation button links to unauth page
- Template partials menu is always shown in backend, also if custom header / footer not enabled, to encourage use of recallable partials
- Bugfix: CSS Editor was not reacting to font size change
- Enhancement: main labels eg to launch editor are now translatable
- Bugfix: On win11, number inputs now appear correctly
- Bugfix: with Picostrap MDB, color widgets are now properly painted
- Enhancement: suggest to publish CPTs before using get_post shortcode in side notice
- Fixed function lc_post_is_using_livecanvas, so editing link appears on frontend and backend to edit LC CPTs
- All LiveCanvas CPTs now have codemirror and the edit with LC button, and corrrectly keep highlighted the side menu
- Fixed a bug that could change template on CPTs when editing with LC
- Fixed a bug that could prevent readymades window to open upon launching the editor
27 Jun, 2022- PHP8 compatibility fixes for ajax shortcode preview and video embed change
- Responsive spacing tools
- Hover preview on custom blocks as in custom sections
- Various minor enhancements
9 Jun, 2022- Readymade Pages Library Integration
- Page Clone Feature
- Code editor now supports EMMET syntax
- Added new Media Blocks
- Added new Wireframing Sections
- Simplified Client UI opt-in feature
- SVG icon properties have now background, circle option, shadow and padding settings
- Iframes: added lazyload setting
- License activation management
- Keyboard shortcuts and documentation link in Options Menu
- Multisite compatibility enhancements
- Blocks/Sections accordion autoscroll enhancement
- Various minor fixes
23 Mar, 2022- Admin UI allows disabling LC on selected Post Types
- History Bugfix
- Allows unfiltered XML import so LiveCanvas pages can be seamlessly moved with the XML import/export WP feature
- License Code Bugfix
- Search Form Readymade Header fix
- Added Accordion Custom View for get_posts
1 Mar, 2022- Code editor: updated Beautify libraries
- Must Use Compatibility Fix
- Editing bar responsive fixes
- Minor editor JS bugfixes (fixes reload on some systems)
- Negative values on all margins (if using Bootstrap5)
16 Feb, 2022- New Links Editing window
- Enhanced compatibility with third party plugins while launching the editor
- Negative Margin Top Widget (if using Bootstrap5)
- New Blocks available in WordPress Integration: Simple Contact Form and AJAX / PHP Custom Form
- New Forms API & Example Forms (documentation here)
- Minor Fixes and Upgrades
7 Dec, 2021- New readymade sections
- Added mp4 video block
- Faster loading fix
- Menu shortcode second level fix
- Adds wp-media-id class to responsive images
- Updated PUC library
- Fixes editing on cover components
- Message to alert user about OB problem ("The page loading seems to fail. This is generally due to peculiar host environments. Please reach support for advice.").
- Backend Option to disable ob handling
- Supports BootScore via options override
5 Feb, 2021- Minor fixes
- First steps to achieve compatibility with Bootstrap 5
15 Jan, 2021- Allow scrolling the preview while having the HTML or CSS editor on screen
- Updated to Bootstrap Icons 1.3
- [BUGFIX]: Added in get_posts block: output_featured_image_class="card-img-top"
- Fixed plugin author tag
- [BUGFIX]: delete container
- [BUGFIX]: after editing text in some boxes, scrolling was getting yanky
- Learndash compatibility fix
9 Nov, 2020- WordPress 5.6 compatibility fix (for image upload feature)
24 Nov, 2020- Better export to HTML: inlines your custom Bootstrap build, and calls AOS for animations if necessary
- Added to readymade headers: a header with search field
- New default LC Footer with dynamic pages & posts listing
- New dynamic pages block in Blocks > Wp Integration
- New shortcode to pull custom field values in Blocks > Wp Integration
- BUGFIX: Preview position in readymade sections Browser
- ENH: Readymades: Header & footer sections are shown only when appropriate, by default
- BUGFIX: tabber padding on post loop, images and image bg panels
5 Nov, 2020- Picostrap Theme compatibility fix
- Fixed WooCommerce + Yoast JS bug while editing single products
14 Oct, 2020New features:
- New Blocks added: Icons and text, Cards
- New Mouse and keyboard shortcuts
- HTML Code Editor: added button to Go to parent element to easily navigate all your code
- Inline SVG icons: extensive support in all prebuilt HTML
- Link target field added to Image and SVG icon editing panels so you can assign links to icons and images
- To broaden compatibility with more BS4-based WordPress themes, a new backend option has been added to Enforce a built-in single template
- UnSplash image search now allows for image format choice
- Property groups in properties panel are now an accordion
- Properties panel: the class field is enlarged on focus
- Added HTML lazy loading in gallery readymade sections
- Shortcodes are now parsed in gt_blocks
- Editor, when launched, adds a class to body of page being edited: “livecanvas-is-editing"
- Better onboarding theme recommendation message
- Image closing tag in posts loop shortcode
- In the Preview, some classes like are now "blacklisted" - so that elements stay clickable separately
- Sometimes saving error(b) was reported even if saving went good
- After deleting elements, properties panel is closed
- Adding a row to container, the title row gets lc-block where it should
11 Sept 2020- [NEW!] Text Wysiwyg editor can assign Bootstrap classes to text with a shiny new toolbar
- User Feedback on Wysiwyg editor to show active tags and classes
- <SPAN> is now allowed inside editable=“rich” fields
- Pasting text into editable fields now keeps line breaks
- Added Bootstrap width classes to image editing panel
- Updated Icons to Bootstrap SVG icons 1.0
- Adds support for new BS containers (requires BS 4.5, needs updating your UnderStrap copy from here)
- [BUGFIX] fixed text message about customizing colors in alert
- [BUGFIX] removed lc-helper attribute on served HTML
- [BUGFIX] Adding new sections does not substitute .fa icons with inline SVG forcefully
- [BUGFIX] Live shortcode rendering was not passing the post_id
16 July 2020- SVG Inline Icons
- Updated code beautify CSS & HTML libraries
- The Shortcode panel now uses textarea instead of input
- [BUGFIX] Now the Gutenberg related JS of LC is printed only on the post editing screen
- [BUGFIX] ACF WW backend editors are available upon ticking a box in the plugin options
18 June 2020- Yoast SEO fix
- [BUGFIX] ACF WW frontend editors are now unaffected
- [BUGFIX] Overlayed text on bg-image elements is clickable again
13 June, 2020- Custom Header support
- Added field for iFrame SRC editing of embeds in the LC editor
- [BUGFIX] after coding new links in the editor, navigating away upon click is prevented
- Plugin back-end menu voices reorder
22 May, 2020- Editor: Shortcut added: double clicking hamburgers opens the properties panel for each item
- [BUGFIX] WP image choice window is now linked to the "upload image" permission
- New tutorial video in backend
- Media Object Bootstrap block & Footers added
- Editor: Images get margins editing
- [BUGFIX] for using LC on single posts: template was being reset by wp upon post update in wp backend
- [BUGFIX]: select items wouldn't show their value on the newest Chrome due to a CSS quirk
- History
- Remote Update
- Licensing screen
- Admin page switch
- Ten new readymade sections
- Color picker icon gets bg white and text white
- Gutenberg blocks in LC pages
- Checkbox to open links in blank
- [BUGFIX] Prevent swiping while editing -
- [ENH] For animations, added speed / duration and intensity
- New footer handling
- Copypaste containers fixed
- New block BG is now semi-transparent
- Beautify saved HTML
- Static export to HTML includes custom CSS too
- Readymade sections refactoring: categories, light / dark mode, added many items
- Gutenberg switch fix
- Added color “none” to color widget
- Bugfix: "z" char in export
- Added Post Loop tabs ui & cards output
- Cleaned logic for template switching when enabling LC
- Chrome Browser recommendation alerts now only once
- Wp incompatibility with 5.3 solved
- Classic Editor Fix
- Allows SVG upload
- WP library Image & Bg image selection dialog
- Add Simple additional CSS via CSS editor - talking to Customizer api -
- Advanced color palettes, sensing BS dynamic variables
- Starts to work on Firefox and Safari (Clipboard emergency fix)
- New plugin page admin panel
- Moved AOS from extra plugin to LC: now animations are an opt-in to settings page
- Add dynamic footer switch to settings page
- Can enable LC on CPTs
- Can run LC to edit lc-sections or lc-blocks
- CustomStrap v2.2 compatible
- [ENH] Logged out sessions redirect to login AND open editor
- [ENH] More clear saving message
- [BUGFIX] Rearranging sections closes sidepanel
- [BUGFIX] New Page function calls a wp-admin url for better stability on peculiar hosts
- [ENH] Failed saves put content into clipboard as a kindness, and shows a more clear modal
- [ENH] Added Horiz & Vertical alignment
- Draggable bar to resize the code editor
- Code editor gets autocomplete
- New cobalt default theme
- Code editor gets translucent only after mouseleave
- Editor preferences are now saved in browser
- Code suggestions select
- IMAGES: IMGIX fx are shown only on UnSplash images
- BACKGROUNDS: removed inline min-height
- BG image component is now using native BS class
- CSS textarea in panel gets a little styling
- Export as HTML standalone file (without header & footer, page content only)
- Image LazyLoad attribute support
- First public release. Per aspera ad astra