
LiveCanvas 1.24 is out: Post Loops



December 11, 2019

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Besides this being mainly a maintenance release, fixing some minor bugs, version 1.24 brings a new feature to the party: POST LOOPS.

A new UI has been crafted to allow simple and complete control over post looping, and it's output has been revised to show your posts as Bootstrap Cards. This way you can achieve a post listing similar to what happens in our blog - in any given LiveCanvas page.

Here's how it looks like:


Here is the list of changes in 1.24:

- [BUGFIX] Gutenberg switch is now working again
- [ENHANCEMENT] add color โ€œnoneโ€
- [BUGFIX] Removed typo (z) in export
- [ENHANCEMENT] Added Post Loop tabs ui & cards output
- [BUGFIX] Cleaned logic for template switching when enabling LC
- [ENHANCEMENT] When using a browser that is not Chrome, the alert is shown only once
- [ENHANCEMENT] Allows custom crafted themes to remove the theme recommendation alert, see here