Custom Post Loops
Precisely retrieve posts or custom post type elements, and display them inside a LiveCanvas page, enjoying total freedom of layout, using preset or custom layouts.
Precisely choose which posts should be listed...
A simple visual interface allows you to customize the posts query, in order to select the posts (or custom post type elements) that you want to retrieve, using the classic WordPress criterias.
You can filter by ID, author, category, custom field or custom taxonomy.

...and display them exactly as you want
The retrieved elements can be displayed using preset layouts (as cards, a simple list, an accordion...) or with your own custom HTML templates, to create stunning and original post displays.

I will no longer say that "it is impossible to get a 90+ rating on Google Page Speed insights."
Jack Cao - Head of Product Education at Rank Math SEO
Blogger | Copywriter | YouTuberSpeaking the WordPress shortcode slang...
For dynamic templating, LiveCanvas offers a comprehensive set of shortcodes to recall and print all WordPress post elements, accepting parameters to easily customize their aspect using Bootstrap classes.

[lc_the_title link=1 class="text-primary"]
[lc_the_title link=1 class="text-primary"]
Hear the words of our customers

Kemal Esensoy
Web Designer @ wunderlandmedia.com, Germany.
"I thought oxygen builder would be the best choice to swap with custom theme development. Man I was wrong! The work you guys put in the product worth much more than that lifetime license price"

Tim Bowerbank
App Developer at Pendigital Limited UK
"LiveCanvas has made me explore WordPress again...
I left WordPress a few years back for static site generators, looking for performance and accessibility enhancements."

André Wunsch
Web Designer, Berlin - Germany.
"Before I worked with LiveCanvas, I tried various PageBuilders. There were also some good ones, but I thought they were always a bit inflexible and a bit overloaded... "

Gail Kingswell Trueman
Digital Marketing and Web Design Consultant at 1LG Digital GB
"chelseaelectricians.co.uk was a redesign of an old html site that did not rank in the first 100 SERP listings for the term chelsea electricians. They started to climb up the SERPS almost immediately - hovering around page 3 - 4 for a week or so. They now rank at #9 on page 1."

Michael Weckerlin
SEO Consultant at Mister Seo
I just relaunched my website with Livecanvas and I am overwhelmed by the results regarding performance. As a SEO consultant it is important for me and my clients to implement websites with great core web vitals results. Before the relaunch my website was running based on the the DIVI theme...
I was trying to optimize the performance for years but never got better results than Pagespeed 50. Now the website reaches PageSpeed 100 (desktop) and 90 (mobile). CLS is 0. That is terrific."

Lee Kancher
Web Developer at Right Brain Group LLC
Give yourself the freedom of controlling your code and offering Page content control for your clients."